All Comics Evaluated Issue #1
Here it is! In better comic shops all across North America, it’s ACE #1, featuring DC Television coverage looking at Gotham, The Flash, and Arrow, exclusive interviews with Amanda Conner, artist and writer of Power Girl and Harley Quinn (with guest appearance by Jimmy Palmiotti) and with Batman scribe and creator of The Woods, James Tynion IV, and we talk with Scott McCloud about his latest, The Sculptor. Plus the story of Lumberjanes and the Valkyries, Marvel on Netflix, the secret origin of Squirrel Girl, a look at the monster-hit Enormous, and celebrating the 75th birthday of Robin, the Boy Wonder! Plus The Guide, a 50-page thorough and accurate price guide of the hot books and variants, as well as reviews and books to be on the lookout for! Monthly, 128-pages, color/black-&-white, $7.99. ACE = All Comics Evaluated!